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Run Faster Marathons: The Proven Path to PR

Knighton Runs Headquarters is Moving to Providence!

Published by Coach Chris Knighton on

Taking Lion Pride to a New City
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This post was written by Coach Erica Knighton.

We Bought a House!

It’s official. We are Rhode Islanders. Well, I have always been a Rhode Islander. I was born in the Ocean State and grew up outside Providence (just like the Farrelly Brothers film). It was after college that I became a Masshole. Chris, however, has lived in Massachusetts for the entirety of his 32 years on this planet. He is now a Rhode Islander and will soon be drinking coffee oatmilk milk, the official state beverage, and eating hot seitan weiners.

We bought a house in Providence and officially move-in next week. We are so excited for the adventure ahead and making our house a home. There are plenty of home renovation projects in our future – I’ve already gone to town on the purple shag carpet in our new bedroom. Chris installed my dream rain shower head this past weekend – who knew he was so handy?!

Bike on the Greenway
Art on the Woonasquatucket River Greenway

We’re most excited about exploring our new neighborhood and scouting out challenging and fun running routes. Luckily, we are just steps away from the Woonasquatucket River Greenway, Rhode Island’s only funky, urban bike path. The seven-mile path leads to the heart of downtown Providence’s Waterplace Park.

Woonasquatucket River Greenway
This path stretches 7 miles from Johnston, RI to Providence, RI
What this means for Knighton Runs

Knighton Runs Coaching is going to get even better this year! Our mission is to provide the world’s best online coaching to our athletes and running community. Moving to Providence will give us the flexibility we need to dedicate more time, energy, and love to Knighton Runs. Be on the lookout for more exciting content and programming coming your way soon!

We are forever grateful to the running community in Boston.

Boston will always be our home. It’s where we met. It’s where we become distance runners and completed our first marathons. It is the city in which we ran endless miles and celebrated with our Heartbreaker, TARC, and Forest Hills Runners friends and teammates. We fully intend to visit at every good opportunity and can’t wait to host you down in Providence soon!

Coach Chris Knighton

Chris Knighton helps passionate athletes run faster marathons. He is the founder and head coach of Knighton Runs Marathon Coaching and has been featured in Runner's World and Women's Running. His first book, "Run Faster Marathons: The Proven Path to PR" is available now on Amazon. Chris lives in Providence, Rhode Island with his family.

1 Comment

Your Dad · January 20, 2021 at 11:15 AM

Congrates on the New House and let us know what you need for a “House Warming” gift.
Luv you both, Dad.

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Running Shoes - Brooks Launch Running Shoes - I have been wearing these running shoes for years. I've easily worn through over a dozen pairs. They are light, fast, well-cushioned, and very affordable. They are perfect for easy days, long runs, and marathon-training workouts.

GPS Running Watch - Garmin Forerunner 45 - I love Garmin watches. If you do not yet own a GPS running watch, buy one now. This model is small and lightweight, making it perfect for running fast and racing. GPS watches are one of the best tools you have to monitor and improve your running. Getting my first Garmin helped get me hooked on this sport.

Identification Safety Bracelet - Road ID Silicone Wristband - I never leave home without my Road ID. It's engraved with My Name, Year of Birth, Allergies, City of Residence, and Emergency Contact Info for my wife and dad. Wearing my Road ID allows me to leave my driver's license at home when I run and have peace of mind.

Energy Gels - GU Energy "Tastefully Nude" Flavor - GU Energy Gels are my go-to fuel for marathon training. I suggest taking one every 30 to 45 minutes during long runs, half marathons, and marathons. The "tastefully nude" flavor is easy to get down and has a mild sweet taste.

Protein Powder - Momentous Essential Plant-Based Protein Powder - It's critically important to refuel after a workout or long run within 30-minutes of completion. Making a smoothie or shake with Momentous Protein Powder is an easy and healthy way to jump start your recovery process. Their chocolate flavor is delicious even when mixed with just water.

Anti-Chafe Balm - Body Glide Original Balm - Better safe than sorry! I rub Body Glide balm all over my feet and "sensitive" areas before any important race, workout, or long run. Save yourself from nasty blisters, chafing, or bleeding with a little lubricant.

Recovery Tool - ProStretch Calf Stretcher - This one is a curve ball! My wife introduced me to this tool after I developed tight calves from running. The ProStrech Calf Stretcher can help you get a deeper and more effective stretch than conventional methods. This improved flexibility and range of motion may help relieve, rehab and alleviate plantar fasciitis, shin splints, tight calves and achilles tendonitis, as well as enhance overall performance.

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