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Pomham Rocks Lighthouse 10k Race Recap

Published by Coach Chris Knighton on

Coach Chris gets his first road race win!
This post was written by Coach Erica Knighton.
Team Knighton Runs
The Lions at the finish of the Pomham Rocks 10k

On Saturday April 24 2021, three members of the Knighton Lions took to the streets and bike path of East Providence, RI to run the inaugural Pomham Rocks Lighthouse 10k.

The last of five lighthouses situated on the Providence River, the Pomham Rocks Lighthouse is still a working navigational light and has been beautifully restored both inside and out. Located about 200 yards off the shoreline of the Riverside neighborhood of the city of East Providence, Rhode Island. The light was established in 1871. The year 2021 will celebrate 150 years of service. The race day offered both a 5k and a 10k to raise funds for the historic lighthouse.

Pomham Rocks Lighthouse
View of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse from the 10k course
Now let’s get into the racing!

The starting line was positioned just outside Rose Larisa Memorial Park. Runners lined up three across with social distancing space given. Coach Chris Knighton, Jason Y, and Lella B finished up their warmups and found the self-seeding start line was already full. So they took their positions in the back of the pack.

Never one to complain (seriously, he gave it up) about his starting position, Chris took off with the sound of the starting gun and quickly worked his way to the lead pack. By Mile 1 he was holding steady in second place. As he ran past me (the “un”-official race photographer) he confidently smiled and said, “too easy!”

The course gradually climbed up Bullocks Point Avenue to the Mile 2 marker and it was clear Chris was just holding his position until the course mid-point when he would make his move. As he turned left on Squantum road and headed towards Mile 3 at Squantum Point, Chris was feeling great, but behind his goal 10k pace. Knowing that the course would now be slightly downhill, he turned up the heat and passed the lead runner, Iain Ridgway, to take the lead.

Chris holding his lead at Mile 5

Now on the shady tree-lined East Bay Bike Path the course made its way towards a spectacular view of the Pomham Rocks Lighthouse. Chris took a quick peek at the Light and then a quick peek back at his competition. 

When I saw him again at Mile 5, it was clear the second-place runner was putting in a strong effort but was hurting. At this point, Chris made the conscious decision to run a strategic race and leave his goal time (and a PR) behind. Instead of racing at his limit and risk getting passed, his mindset switched to getting his first road race win! Conserving a little bit of energy in case Iain made a final surge, Chris cruised by the Crescent Park Looff Carousel and back towards the finish line at Larisa Park. 

Chaos ensued as the race announcer was not expecting such a fast race. The race volunteers scurried to get the 1st-place finisher’s tape up and pulled it across the finish line as Chris came barreling through. Chris’s first ever road race win was secured!

“I love to race against good competition so after a year of mostly time-trialing it was awesome to finally race others again.

– Coach Chris Knighton, after the race

This perfect sunny 55-degree day with a slight breeze was the ideal setting for Chris to run a fantastic tune-up race in preparation for the 2021 Newport Marathon on May 22, 2021.

Jason and Lella at Mile 1 of the Pomham Rocks Lighthouse 10k
Jason and Lella at Mile 1

Shortly after Chris crossed the line, Knighton Lion Jason Y cruised crossed the line with a third-place overall finish. Lion Lella B ran her first-ever 10K at the event. This gave her an essential racing experience and confidence for the upcoming 2021 Newport Half Marathon.

This was a fantastic first-year event. Pomham Rocks 10K offers a beautiful and challenging course, with an uphill start and a fast finish. We are looking forward to returning to race again in the years to come!

Pomham Rocks 10K is highly recommended!

Coach Chris Knighton

Chris Knighton helps passionate athletes run faster marathons. He is the founder and head coach of Knighton Runs Marathon Coaching and has been featured in Runner's World and Women's Running. His first book, "Run Faster Marathons: The Proven Path to PR" is available now on Amazon. Chris lives in Providence, Rhode Island with his family.


Derek M Cerjanec · April 28, 2021 at 10:13 AM

Yay! Nice job. I think maybe Lella did best, though. That is one beautiful lighthouse.

Karen · April 28, 2021 at 6:45 PM

Thanks for running with us & supporting the restoration of the Pomham Rocks Lighthouse. See you in Newport in a few weeks!!

Kyle Kranz · May 5, 2021 at 9:51 AM

Congrats Coach and the rest of the Lions!

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