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Run Faster Marathons: The Proven Path to PR

Four Ways A Running Coach Has Improved My Outlook

Published by Coach Chris Knighton on

I’m working less and getting better, injury-free results

By Bob Merckel, Knighton Runs Athlete

Have you ever been overwhelmed by the number of ways to improve yourself?

For the past several years, I’ve tried all kinds of programs to get me back into running. Hiring a coach a few months ago was the best decision I’ve made.

Three years ago, I was a month away from getting a PR in the half-marathon. Granted, my half is only a little faster than elite runners’ full marathons, but I’ve never trained to be an elite athlete. In running, like a lot of things in life, you have to accept where you are and move onwards and upwards from there.

I had trained hard, too hard in fact. I remember a friend telling me, “For someone who runs every day, you sure do move slowly.”

I ended up with hip issues that not only kept me from competing, but had me walking around my flat without looking like Tim Conway’s Oldest Man.

Each time I went back on the road (or the nefarious dreadmill), I’d try to pick up where I left off.

This left me either re-injured or completely demotivated.

Working with an expert has made me focused and effective

As I approach 60, I’ve seen too many people (relatives included) lose not only their fitness but their basic mobility. I am determined not to let this happen to me.

So, I did some research and talked to a number of coaches before finding one with whom we felt a mutual “click”. Working with him has provided me four remarkable benefits:

  • I’m more confident in my current ability, it is consistently improving
  • I’m saving time and energy by not having to worry about “what do I do next”
  • I’m becoming more consistent
  • I’m seeing, and feeling, tangible results

Honestly, it’s one of the smartest investments I’ve ever made.

Trust that your training is based on where you are.

I’ve always struggled with training at “where I am vs”. “where I want to be.”

When I’ve used cookie-cutter training programs in the past, even when they’re from expert sources like Hal Higdon, I’ve never been happy with saying “I’m at level x.”. If I re-start a beginner level, I often try to outdo it. If I opt for something more challenging, I might not hit the targets and then feel discouraged or even defeated.

My coach continually assesses where I am based on occasional time trials and/or races and my own post-run feedback. Each week’s schedule is tweaked based on how I’m performing and how I’m feeling.

Save time and energy by not planning workouts, and making sure that easy runs are easy.

I don’t have to think about what to do anymore, I just look at the schedule and get it done.

No longer do I second guess what the cookie-cutter says. I get a weekly schedule and I just go out and do it.

“Running too hard too often is the single most common and detrimental mistake in the sport.” — Matt Fitgerald

My coach is a big proponent of this, as well as “forget about pace when you’re not racing or doing speed work”. This was a huge adjustment for me, and to be honest, I still look at my Garmin more than I should. So many of the other programs or apps I’ve used push me to “Go, go, go”.

Now I run by feel … and easy runs are just that. I’ve learned to be content running at a comfortable pace, and I am consistently seeing that weekly “comfortable pace” get faster.

Accountability helps consistency

Having to give post-run feedback, and then having weekly check-ins has not made me only more accountable, but more consistent.

Hal Higdon, or any of the lovely trainers on my Peloton app, don’t know (or probably care) if I skip a workout. But now I have accountability. There have been more than a few days when I’m really comfortable on the sofa, or it’s raining, and I’m just not feeling the run. Then I think, “Oh, I can’t just tell Coach, I just didn’t feel like it.” I am way too much of a people pleaser for that. So I go out and do it anyway.

Go ahead and @ me for not having self-discipline, I’ll be fine. I’ve beat myself up about it for decades. But now I have someone to report to, which is extremely motivating. It’s never too late to change.

Achieve tangible results

I’ve slowed down to get faster. I’m increasing my weekly mileage and I’m staying injury free.

When I started last May, I was running three days a week, 20 minutes a run. A little over 5 miles a week with an average pace of 13:50 minutes per mile.

Last week I ran 26 miles, with an average pace of 13:12. But, that includes a very slow 10-miler; most of my runs are averaging in the mid-12-minute range. And they’re not that challenging.

At the end of the day, I feel better about my running than I have in years. I’m not competing against anyone else, and I’ve tried to stop competing against myself.

On October 24, I’ll be on the starting line in Valencia, Spain to run that half I was supposed to run in 2019. I know I won’t PR, and I’m okay with that. I see how much progress we’ve made in the past few months, and I’m already thinking about spring races.

We can all do hard things. We don’t have to do them alone.

Categories: Training

Coach Chris Knighton

Chris Knighton helps passionate athletes run faster marathons. He is the founder and head coach of Knighton Runs Marathon Coaching and has been featured in Runner's World and Women's Running. His first book, "Run Faster Marathons: The Proven Path to PR" is available now on Amazon. Chris lives in Providence, Rhode Island with his family.

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Running Shoes - Brooks Launch Running Shoes - I have been wearing these running shoes for years. I've easily worn through over a dozen pairs. They are light, fast, well-cushioned, and very affordable. They are perfect for easy days, long runs, and marathon-training workouts.

GPS Running Watch - Garmin Forerunner 45 - I love Garmin watches. If you do not yet own a GPS running watch, buy one now. This model is small and lightweight, making it perfect for running fast and racing. GPS watches are one of the best tools you have to monitor and improve your running. Getting my first Garmin helped get me hooked on this sport.

Identification Safety Bracelet - Road ID Silicone Wristband - I never leave home without my Road ID. It's engraved with My Name, Year of Birth, Allergies, City of Residence, and Emergency Contact Info for my wife and dad. Wearing my Road ID allows me to leave my driver's license at home when I run and have peace of mind.

Energy Gels - GU Energy "Tastefully Nude" Flavor - GU Energy Gels are my go-to fuel for marathon training. I suggest taking one every 30 to 45 minutes during long runs, half marathons, and marathons. The "tastefully nude" flavor is easy to get down and has a mild sweet taste.

Protein Powder - Momentous Essential Plant-Based Protein Powder - It's critically important to refuel after a workout or long run within 30-minutes of completion. Making a smoothie or shake with Momentous Protein Powder is an easy and healthy way to jump start your recovery process. Their chocolate flavor is delicious even when mixed with just water.

Anti-Chafe Balm - Body Glide Original Balm - Better safe than sorry! I rub Body Glide balm all over my feet and "sensitive" areas before any important race, workout, or long run. Save yourself from nasty blisters, chafing, or bleeding with a little lubricant.

Recovery Tool - ProStretch Calf Stretcher - This one is a curve ball! My wife introduced me to this tool after I developed tight calves from running. The ProStrech Calf Stretcher can help you get a deeper and more effective stretch than conventional methods. This improved flexibility and range of motion may help relieve, rehab and alleviate plantar fasciitis, shin splints, tight calves and achilles tendonitis, as well as enhance overall performance.

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